– no more than 2 page resume
– no more than 50 word statement of motivation
– Indicate two choices in order of preference for positions of interest
– no more than 1-page bulleted list on your 2-year plan for each position indicated above
– 2-year commitment + oath of affirmation ((applications will not be considered without this)
“I hereby confirm my commitment, seriousness, and availability to serve in the capacity I indicated above for a 2-year term.”
Please send applications via email with all attachments to: contact@letsgetrealarbitration.org (deadline: 31 March 2021)
Committee 1: Community Building and Networking Committee
Committee 2: Impact Program (Mentorship) Committee
Committee 3: Arbitral Appointments Committee
Committee 4: Newsletter & Blog Committee
Committee 5: Conferences/Events Committee
Committee 6: Academic Council