Dear Friend and Colleague,
Welcome to Racial Equality for Arbitration Lawyers (“R.E.A.L.”), and thank you for taking time to read this inaugural edition of the R.E.A.L. Newsletter!
A core mission of R.E.A.L. is to create a more equal, inclusive, and cooperative international arbitration field, as well as to champion underrepresented groups in international arbitration, by creating opportunities for and spotlighting ethnically and racially diverse international arbitration practitioners.
Now, we know what you’re thinking . . . with countless amazing lawyers globally, how in the world will R.E.A.L. accomplish this?
Queue the R.E.A.L. Newsletter!
The R.E.A.L. Newsletter is a quarterly publication that showcases the amazing contributions of diverse international arbitration practitioners around the globe. It is a plat-form with a variety of information related to activities of interest, legal developments, and other topics relevant to international arbitration.
Most importantly, the Newsletter (in conjunction with the R.E.A.L. Blog) will amplify the voices of underrepresented international arbitration professionals, increase accessibility to the arbitration field, and continue to lay the groundwork to making the arbitration field more inclusive and accessible to the new generation of international arbitration practitioners, globally.
This issue features an interview with R.E.A.L.’s Co-Chairs, insights from R.E.A.L.’s Steering Committee members and Ambassadors, a re-cap of R.E.A.L.’s launch in January 2021, summaries of past events by selected R.E.A.L. scholarship recipients, and updates from each of the R.E.A.L. Committees.
In short, on this one-year anniversary, we are so happy to have YOU as a member of R.E.A.L.! We hope that you find this Newsletter valuable and consider contributing to the next issue.
To submit content or updates to the R.E.A.L. Newsletter, or to submit pieces for consideration to the R.E.A.L. Blog, please contact newsletter@letsgetrealarbitration.org.
Yours truly,
R.E.A.L. Newsletter & Blog Committee
Download our first newsletter here – https://letsgetrealarbitration.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/REAL-Newsletter-17.01.2022.pdf
#arbitration #diversity #letsgetreal